
La, la, la.

by this afternoon, troops of vehicles will be making its way down Himlayan Road and into the cemetery it leads to. i want to go out somewhere, but i don't want to be stuck in that logjam during the return trip.

so i ended up being talked around by my dad to, well, "make our house look like a home," whatever he meant by that. actually, i'm not finished doing that yet. just nicking some time off.

anyway, here's everyone looking forward to the halloween/all saints' weekend, but i'm thinking about yuletide. dunno why, but christmas signals new year, and new year... makes me feel older. blah. i'm blaming the paint fumes again for this.

about the previous poll, uhmm... a friend of mine told me that the results were distorted. still haven't thought of a new one.

i'm goin' blog hopping now. i wish i had something to write about as well, just like the others. hoooo. a friend commented, "there's no emotion in your posts. what happened?"

is she right?

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